Time is money. And nowhere is that adage more relevant than in today’s American hospitals.
For example, consider the patient who is medically ready for discharge, but still waiting for a skilled nursing facility (SNF) bed to open up. Or the case in which a patient might medically require a cardiac catheterization before being safely cleared to discharge to home, but there’s a delay until the procedure can be performed on Monday.
So, when is it okay to delay?
Answering that question as well as reporting on the nuances of such delays will be Juliet Ugarte Hopkins, MD, the special guest during the next edition of the long-running and popular Talk Ten Tuesdays broadcast produced by ICD10monitor.
Also part of the live broadcast will be these instantly recognizable panelists, who will report more news during their segments:
•Social Determinants of Health: Tiffany Ferguson, CEO for Phoenix Medical Management, Inc., will report on the news that is happening at the intersection of medical record auditing and the SDoH.
•CDI Report: Cheryl Ericson, Director of CDI for the vaunted Brundage Group, will have the latest CDI updates.
•The Coding Report: Christine Geiger, Assistant Vice President of Acute and Post-Acute Coding Services for First Class Solutions, will report on the latest coding news.
•News Desk: Timothy Powell, ICD10monitor national correspondent, will anchor the Talk Ten Tuesdays News Desk.
•MyTalk: Angela Comfort, veteran healthcare subject-matter expert, will co-host the long-running and popular weekly Internet broadcast. Comfort is the assistant vice president of revenue integrity for Montefiore Health.