To kick off the announcement of the FAQnatics channel, I've gathered some of the best channel and forum owners as we discuss the new channel, which will cover content from experts on technology, finance, cars, and any other topic you want to know more about. Be sure to subscribe so you know when the latest content drops, and if you aren't already subscribing to these other channels, be sure to check them out as well.
Join the fun live to hear a great group of people discuss the latest in technology, while we answer questions and take future content requests from the viewers.
We've got an all-star cast of characters attending:
1. Brett Bjorkquist of FAQnatics
2. DJ Briggs of the Brightside Home Theater channel
3. Jiles McCoy of the Jiles McCoy channel
4. Matt Blair of the Brolic Media channel
5. Michael Stevens of the Youthman channel
6. Tim Albright from AVNation
7. Todd Anderson of AV Nirvana