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Welcome to the livestream of FCBC Nightly Prayer Meeting. We're so glad you're here! Our livestream will start at 8pm (GMT+*). It'll be conducted in English & Chinese. 欢迎收看坚信浸信教会晚间祷告会的直播。我们很高兴你在这里!我们的直播将于晚上 8 点 (GMT+*) 开始。我们将以英语和华语进行。 Instructions for Phone user: 1) To unmute, please tap anywhere inside video box. 2) To go into full screen, tap the rectangular icon on the top right corner. 电话用户说明: 1) 要取消静音,请点击视频框内的任何位置。 2) 要进入全屏,请点击右上角的矩形图标。 Instructions for Laptop user: 1) To unmute, click the unmute button on the top left corner of screen. 2) To go into full screen, click the full screen rectangular icon at the bottom right corner. 笔记本电脑用户说明: 1) 要取消静音,请单击屏幕左上角的取消静音按钮。 2) 要进入全屏,请单击右下角的全屏矩形图标。 CCLI Licence 256456