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Back to Basics: Prepared, Polished, and Positioned with Dr. Jessye Talley

College Students…Dr. Jessye Talley has a wealth of knowledge that will encourage college students everywhere to shine BRIGHT. Dr. Talley will provide practical tools to polish your skillset, help you adapt to college life, develop better habits, and build confidence. READ HER BIO BELOW. Dr. Jessye Talley attended North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, where she received all her degrees in Industrial & Systems Engineering with a concentration in Operations Research. Dr. Talley’s academic expertise and interest focus on problems that identify vulnerabilities and disruptions that occur within supply chains to develop intervention or mitigation strategies that optimize the total system. She co-founded Sisters Scholars with Dr. Orissa Massey to promote health and wellness during the doctorate and in academia. They hold bi-monthly Safe Space gatherings to talk about specific topics related to encouraging doctoral students at any point in the process. Her experiences in academia prompted her to begin coaching new faculty during the first three years of the tenure track process. Dr. Talley also speaks on STEM, dissertation process, goal setting, and offers strategy workshops (i.e., dissertation process, preparing for college, idea generation, first time grant writing, academic job preparation, etc.). It is her desire to see more students complete the doctoral process and make it to the finish line.

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