How Act.TV Used StreamYard to Make Professional Content Easily

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Act.TV takes advantage of StreamYard’s easy-to-use software to create high quality cable news-style shows that foster conversation.
EducationContent Creation
StreamYard is a paradigm shifter. They have created a way to create content no matter where you are. All you need is an internet connection and your computer, and you can produce a show that can change the world.
Brad GansCCO of Act.TV

How StreamYard is Used at Act.TV

During the pandemic, Act.TV was generating a great deal of video content and found StreamYard a great way to optimize their complex workflows. They now use it for conferences and virtual events. StreamYard makes it easy for Act.TV to produce high-quality virtual productions and even made it possible to stream content on viewers’ televisions through an OTT application, which was a massive milestone for the company. It also gave them a more straightforward production environment for both experienced and green producers.

StreamYard is the best deal in live video production? Pretty much bar none. You can do so much with it. It's a really powerful tool.

Easy to learn, easy to use

Gans expressed that StreamYard has helped new and experienced producers alike produce content they can be proud of. “It's [given] some of our producers who have had minimal video production experience…the tools and the power to produce their own content.”

And what was the result?

“StreamYard helped Act.TV achieve a really important goal in the last year, which was to get onto people's television through an OTT app. Because of how easy and efficient it was to make shows and content, we were able to get these shows onto people's television sets in a way that we couldn't have done with a more traditional workflow.”

Working alongside StreamYard

“Working with StreamYard has been great. I found that their tech support and their product development team has been very open-minded and wanted to discuss how to improve StreamYard for producers like myself who run a production team and are often using very complex workflows that need a lot of customization. And StreamYard has been really open ears and been great to work with”

Company Industry




Use cases

  • Produced high-quality productions quickly and seamlessly
  • Ability to create content from anywhere and connect with anyone
  • Made producing more approachable to team with varied experience
StreamYard gave Act.TV the ability to create content easily and efficiently, no matter where their creators are.
StreamYard gave Act.TV the ability to stream content on television using an OTT app, which was a milestone for the company.
StreamYard was a resource the company used to teach green producers how to produce a live show with Act.TV.

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