Did you know that podcasts, on average, lose 20% to 35% of listeners during the first five minutes? That’s right. NPR studies have shown that the drop-off rate is higher in the introduction than at any other time in a podcast episode.

Having an engaging intro is essential to make sure your show can succeed. This is why we’ve created this article! So, let’s see some tips, tricks, and examples of great podcast intros to inspire your project.

What Makes a Good Podcast Intro

When you think about a good podcast intro, there are three main components you should keep in mind:

  1. Your intro should tell new listeners what your podcast is about,
  2. Your intro should tell new listeners who you are,
  3. And your intro should tell new listeners why they need to stay.

All of these, of course, while also being engaging and potentially teasing what the current episode will be about. For example, many shows actually open with a short teaser of what’s to come, alongside sound effects and music.

For instance, here’s a little template that covers these points and even includes a CTA (call-to-action):

Hello! This is your host [name]. Welcome to today's episode of [show name]!, a podcast all about [topic]. Now, if you want to keep up-to-date with what's coming up, follow me on [social media handles].

Now, let’s break down this example.

What Your Podcast is About

A compelling podcast intro should provide new listeners with a clear understanding of what your podcast is going to cover. For example, whether it's exploring a specific topic, sharing personal stories, or discussing current events.

The intro can set the stage by succinctly conveying the theme and content of your podcast. This will let your target audience quickly decide if your content aligns with their interests and preferences.

Who You Are

Your intro should also introduce yourself or your team to new listeners. This is an opportunity to establish some credibility and trust by highlighting your expertise, experience, or unique perspective on the topic.

Something many people choose to do is include a brief background or anecdote about yourself. This not only humanizes the podcast but also helps to forge a connection with your audience, making them more inclined to invest their time in listening to your content.

Why Listeners Need to Stay

Your podcast intro should entice listeners to stay tuned by offering a compelling reason why they should continue listening. This could involve teasing intriguing topics or guests featured in upcoming episodes, promising valuable insights or entertainment, or highlighting the unique benefits and experiences your podcast offers.

A hook, or the attention-grabbing element that captures your audience's interest and compels them to keep listening, can be a thought-provoking question, an intriguing anecdote, a captivating story, or a compelling statement that piques curiosity and draws listeners in.

For example, the popular show How I Built This with Guy Raz always includes a teaser about the upcoming interview. This podcast has millions of listeners, so they are definitely doing things right!

The Components of a Great Intro

Now that we've discussed the essential elements of a compelling podcast intro, it's time to delve deeper into each component to understand its significance and how it contributes to engaging your audience right from the start.

The Tone and Intro Music

We will start with setting the vibe for your podcast with some tunes and sound effects. For example, as your podcast intro kicks off, you could have the perfect track jamming in the background. Not just any old track but one carefully chosen to match the personality of your show.

For instance, if you make deep, thought-provoking conversations, maybe choose smooth, mellow beats to set the mood. But if your podcast is all about getting pumped up and motivated, you might opt for something more upbeat and inspiring.

Sound effects can also make your podcast pop. Think in terms of the sound of waves crashing for your beach-themed episode or the subtle chirping of birds for your nature-inspired segment. Sound effects add that extra layer of immersion for your listeners!

Here are some resources to get music and sound effects:

  • Free music: YouTube Library, Free Music Archive, Freebeats.io, Incompetech, Pixabay Music.
  • Paid Royalty-free music: Epidemic Sound, Audiojungle, Audio Blocks, PremiumBeat.

The Length

Getting the intro length right can make a big difference in keeping your listeners engaged right from the start. Your intro sets the stage for what's to come in your episode, but you don't want to drag it out too much and risk losing your audience's interest.

So, how long should your podcast intro be? Well, there's no one-size-fits-all answer—it really depends on your podcast's style, content, and audience preferences. However, as a general rule of thumb, keeping your intro between 30 seconds to 2 minutes is a good starting point.

If you're just starting out or your podcast is relatively short, aim for a shorter intro to get straight to the point and hook your listeners quickly. On the other hand, if you've got a longer-form podcast or you've built up a loyal fanbase, you might have a bit more wiggle room to play with a slightly longer intro.

Ultimately, the key is to strike a balance between setting the tone for your episode, introducing yourself and your podcast, and getting your listeners excited to stick around.

The CTA (Optional)

Let's talk about the all-important intro call-to-action (CTA) in your podcast. So, what exactly is a CTA? Well, it's essentially a prompt or invitation for your listeners to do something after they've finished listening to your intro. This could be anything from subscribing to your podcast, leaving a review, visiting your website, or checking out your social media channels.

Here's the thing: your intro CTA shouldn't just be an afterthought or a throwaway line at the end of your intro. Nope, it should be strategically crafted to align with your podcast's goals and objectives.

For example, if you're looking to grow your audience, you might encourage listeners to subscribe to your podcast or share it with their friends. And if you're aiming to build a community around your podcast, you could invite listeners to join your Facebook group or follow you on Instagram.

The key is to make your CTA clear, compelling, and easy to follow. Keep it short and sweet, and make sure it's relevant to the content of your episode and the interests of your audience.

The Disclaimer (Optional)

In addition to the main content of the podcast, some podcast creators also choose to include a disclaimer at the beginning or end of their episodes. This disclaimer serves as a legal safeguard to protect the creator from potential liabilities, particularly if the podcast offers advice or information that could be construed as professional or authoritative.

The disclaimer typically states that the content provided in the podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional, legal, medical, or financial advice. The disclaimer may clarify that the opinions expressed in the podcast are those of the hosts or guests and do not necessarily reflect the views of any organizations or entities mentioned.

Podcast Intro Templates

Here are some basic podcast intro templates you can use as a starting point to create your own.

Let’s first see an example of a simple introduction that includes the three elements we covered above (topic, host, and hook):

“Hello everyone! This is [Your Name], and you’re listening to [Podcast Name] podcast. Here, we [Explain the Podcast Topic or Purpose]."

Next, we will introduce the episode:

Today, we will be talking about [Topic] with [Guest Name], who is an expert in [Breakdown of Topic]. Thanks for joining us, [Guest]!

You can also tease people about the topic to keep them engaged and curious. For example, you can say something like “Did you know that [Topic Hook]?”.

Different Types of Podcast Intros

There is a diverse range of podcast intros you can use to engage your audience and set the tone for your episodes. Of course, you can mix and match elements from different styles to create an intro that best suits your podcast's unique voice and content. So, let’s take a look at the various styles.

Narrative Intro

This type of intro sets the scene with a storytelling approach, drawing listeners in with a captivating narrative or anecdote related to the episode's topic.

For example: "Imagine you're standing on the edge of a windswept cliff, the salty sea breeze tousling your hair as you gaze out at the vast expanse of ocean stretching out before you. In this moment, you're transported to the world of [Podcast Name], where we dive into the mysteries of the deep and explore the wonders of marine life."

Informative Intro

An informative intro provides listeners with essential information about the episode's topic, format, and what to expect. It typically includes a brief overview of the episode's content and may introduce the host or guests.

For example: "In today's episode of [Podcast Name], we'll be diving into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence. Join us as we explore the latest advancements in AI technology and discuss its impact on our daily lives."

Teaser Intro

A teaser intro tantalizes listeners with a sneak peek of what's to come in the episode, sparking curiosity and encouraging them to stick around. It may pose a thought-provoking question, tease an intriguing story, or highlight an upcoming interview or segment.

For example: "Stay tuned to find out the surprising truth behind one of history's greatest mysteries, right here on [Podcast Name]."

Conversational Intro

A conversational intro takes a more relaxed and casual approach, as if the host is speaking directly to the listener. It may include personal anecdotes, banter, or humor to establish a connection with the audience.

For example: "Hey there, welcome back to [Podcast Name]! Grab your favorite drink, kick back, and get ready for some lively conversation as we dive into today's topic."

Music-Driven Intro

A music-driven intro uses a catchy theme song or instrumental track to set the mood and energy for the episode. It may feature a brief voiceover introducing the podcast and host, accompanied by the music.

For example: [Upbeat music playing]_ "You're listening to [Podcast Name], the show that brings you the latest news and insights from the world of technology. Here's your host, [Host Name]."_

Ending the Episode: Quick Notes on The Outro

As you conclude your podcast episode, recap and reflect on the episode's main points, prompt listeners to engage further by issuing a clear call-to-action, and tease the next episode to keep listeners excited and eager to return for more.

For example, here are some elements you can use as part of your podcast outro:

  • Subscribe to your podcast on their preferred platform or app (like Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, etc).
  • Write a review for your podcast.
  • Join your community and/or follow you on social media.
  • Donate to your Patreon.
  • Subscribe to a newsletter.
  • Buy memberships or merchandise.

And don't forget to let your listeners know when they can grab your upcoming episode! It's also a good idea to express gratitude for your audience's support and sign off with a memorable message or farewell that reflects your podcast's personality and leaves a positive impression.

Putting Your Podcast Together

Crafting an engaging podcast intro is essential for hooking your audience from the start and setting the tone for your episode. By incorporating elements such as storytelling, informative content, teasers, conversational tones, and music, you can captivate listeners and keep them coming back for more.

With a well-crafted intro, you can make a memorable first impression and set the stage for a successful podcast episode. And we can help is a versatile recording and live-streaming platform that can be used to create and produce great podcast episodes, including compelling intros and outros.

StreamYard allows you to upload pre-recorded videos or audio files to use during your podcast episodes. One of the key features of StreamYard is its interactive audience engagement tools. During your podcast episode, you can display viewer comments and questions on-screen, interact with your audience in real-time via live chat, and even bring guests onto the stream for interviews or discussions!

After completing your podcast episode on StreamYard, you also have the option to record the entire broadcast directly to your computer. This allows you to save the episode for future use, editing, or distribution on podcast platforms. Get started today for free!

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