Creating a podcast can be an extremely exciting endeavor. Now, although recording is something you might understand easily, the same can’t be said when publishing your content. What’s with all these directories and platforms? And how do you make sure your podcast episodes will be avauible for as many people as possible?

In this article, we will dive deep into everything you need to consider to publish your podcast. We’ll break down the steps and guide you in detail.

Publishing Your Podcast: The Basics

Let’s start by discussing a little bit what it means to actually publish your podcast — and how it will get distributed.

Publishing a podcast involves several key steps to make sure your content reaches listeners and is easy to find. If we break down the main parts, the best way to do this would be to discuss recording, editing, hosting, and directories as sort of independent processes.

Step #1: Recording Your Podcast

Recording is the first step in creating a podcast. It’s all about capturing your audio using a microphone and recording software. Having a good microphone is key for getting that clear, professional sound. USB microphones like the Blue Yeti are popular because they’re easy to use, but if you want to go more professional, XLR microphones are a great choice.

The space where you record also makes a big difference. You want a quiet, sound-treated room to minimize background noise and echoes. For recording software, something like StreamYard can make capturing your audio files super easy and straightforward.

Step #2: Editing Your Podcast

Editing comes after recording and is super important for making your episodes sound polished. During editing, you get rid of any mistakes, awkward pauses, or unwanted noise to ensure a smooth listening experience.

You usually use the same software you recorded with to cut, rearrange, and enhance your audio clips. Adding music, sound effects, and transitions can make your podcast more engaging and fun. Plus, editing helps balance the audio levels so that everything sounds consistent, making it easier for your listeners to enjoy your podcast without constantly adjusting the volume.

Step #3: Hosting Your Podcast

Once your podcast episodes are recorded and edited, it’s time to host them online. A podcast hosting platform stores your audio files and gives you an RSS feed, which you need for distribution. Popular platforms like Libsyn, Podbean, Anchor, and Buzzsprout are great choices. These platforms often come with extra features like analytics to track your listeners, monetization options to make money, and website integration to promote your podcast. Hosting your podcast online makes sure your episodes are accessible and easily distributed to various directories.

Step #4: Uploading to Directories

Directories are places where listeners can find and subscribe to your podcast. The big ones include Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher. To get your podcast on these platforms, you use the RSS feed from your hosting service. Directories are super important for getting your podcast noticed because they make it available to a wider audience. Each directory has its own way of submitting your podcast, but most hosting platforms make it easy to submit to multiple directories at once, so you don’t have to do it all manually.

The Advantages of Submitting to Directories

Let’s start by discussing a little bit what it means to actually publish your podcast — and how it will get discovered by your audiences.

Submitting your podcast (and all new episodes) to directories isn't just a smart move. It's practically a rite of passage in the podcasting realm. Here are some perks you can expect:

  • Visibility boost: When your podcast becomes available on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts, you just get more chances of attracting listeners.
  • Reach expansion: Directories are like gateways to new audiences. They serve up your content to folks who might never have stumbled upon it otherwise. So, no matter if someone is browsing for their next binge-list or a random passerby in the digital realm, your podcast has a shot at making a connection.
  • Credibility kick: Being listed on reputable directories lends a touch of legitimacy to your podcast. Listeners are also more likely to give your show a chance if it's housed on familiar, trustworthy platforms.
  • Analytics: Most directories come equipped with nifty analytics tools. These tools give you the lowdown on who's tuning in, where they're tuning in from, and even how long they're sticking around.
  • Monetization opportunities: Many directories also offer avenues for monetizing your podcast, whether through ads, sponsorships, or premium content. So, if you're dreaming of turning your passion project into a lucrative side hustle, directories are your golden ticket.

Publishing Your Podcast Online: Where to Start

At the base level, if you want to publish your podcast episodes, you will need two things: An mp3 file and an RSS feed (which has metadata like episode titles, the names of the hosts, and other info). Don’t worry, though; the second can usually be generated automatically by the host you choose. For example:

  1. You will create an RSS feed on your platform,
  2. You will submit your feed to one or more directories,
  3. The directory or directories will approve your feed,
  4. You will then publish your podcast.

Many of these platform also allow you to upload transcriptions (or even provide services to create them for you). Now, different directories will have various specifications on how exactly to upload your podcast. So, let’s explore how each of the main ones works.

How to Publish Your Podcast to Apple Podcasts

Apple Podcasts (previously known as iTunes) is one of the most popular platforms to share and listen to podcasts. There are some requirements to keep in mind before you publish using this platform.

For one, you will need a valid RSS feed and, ideally, more than one episode (this will help you get more attention). You can use an mp3 file or a WAV (Apple accepts both), and their ideal sampling rate should be 44.1 kHz. And lastly, you will need to have some artwork ready. The easiest way to prepare this image is to use a JPG or PNG file measuring 3000 by 3000 pixels.

Once you have these things ready, here are the steps to follow when uploading your show to this podcast directory:

  1. Create an Apple ID. You will need this to log into Apple Podcast Connect.
  2. Inside Apple Podcast Connect, click on the button “+“. This will prompt you to add your RSS feed.
  3. Paste your RSS feed URL in the box and click to validate it.
  4. Once the RSS file is successfully validated, click on “Submit”.

Now, it’s time to wait for Apple to approve your new podcast. This process can take from 24 hours to a few weeks, and you will be notified through your iTunes email.

How to Publish Your Podcast to Spotify

Spotify is another platform you should definitely consider when it comes to uploading your podcast RSS feed and sharing your new show. In fact, Spotify has more than 150 million active subscribers (and many more users), which means your potential audience is bigger than Apple’s.

This platform also requires some cover art, but it just needs to be a 1:1 ratio (a square) and can be JPG or PNG. In terms of audio, Spotify recommends mp3 with a bitrate of 96 to 320 kbps — or, in other words, a good quality mp3. There’s also a size limit for the files; it needs to be smaller than 200 MB.

Unlike Apple, though, submitting to Spotify means you will need to first become a media host. Don’t worry, though, because then you can publish any and all podcasts you might have quite automatically.

To publish on Spotify, the platform itself recommends you use an aggregator partner. All of these aggregators will have slightly different processes for uploading your episodes, but the process will generally look like this:

  1. Create an account with your chosen partner and log into the platform.
  2. Upload your first episode by selecting a file. Sometimes, you can record directly using the aggregator.
  3. Fill in the required information, which will most likely include the title, description, and art.
  4. Publish!

How to Publish Your Podcast to Google Podcasts

Another popular podcast app or platform is Google podcasts. The process is very straightforward (you’ll need an RSS, artwork, and an audio file), and the only things you need to worry about are that your podcast title and author and new and unique, and that you are not violating any of the content policies (for example, explicitly content).

The steps to upload to Google are:

  1. Grab your RSS feed, an audio file of a supported format, and your image, and upload them to Google.
  2. Google will verify your URL through the Add and Verify Wizard.
  3. You will need to provide a podcast description, your email, and a link to your show’s homepage.

And that’s it, really! If your feed URL is verified, you will start seeing performance data almost right away.

How to Publish Your Podcast to Amazon Music

Another platform that has millions of users is Amazon Music. Luckily, you can also add your podcast here; all you need is the RSS feed URL.


  1. Go to Amazon Music Podcasters and add your RSS feed URL in the field.
  2. Choose your country from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click on Submit.

You will be prompted to read and accept their Terms & Conditions and get your email verified by replying to a message sent by the platform.

How to Publish Your Podcast to YouTube

Although YouTube is mostly known for its video content, you can also upload your podcast to this platform — which, we should mention, has more than two billion users!

YouTube is quite flexible and user-friendly. In fact, the way you get your podcast published there is by providing your RSS file... and then YouTube does all the rest! (except filling in your details, that is). So, you don’t even need an MP3 or other audio file.

To do this, simply:

  1. Go to YouTube Studio and click on Create > New Podcast.
  2. Choose “Create a new podcast”
  3. Enter your podcast information, including title, description, visibility (this can be public or private), and a thumbnail. The thumbnail needs to be square.
  4. Click on Create to save your podcast.

You can also convert existing videos into a podcast by using a playlist. Each video would be an episode. To do this, just go to Create and, instead of choosing “Create a new podcast”, click on “Set an existing playlist as a podcast”.

How to Publish Your Podcast to TuneIn

TuneIn is a directory containing many new and free podcasts, news talks, and radio shows. It’s available on Google Play and the App Store and, to be honest, it makes the process of submissing a podcast quite simple. You just need to complete a form!

Here are the detailed steps:

  1. Start by filling out the platform’s podcast submission form.
  2. Fill in your email and podcast title, and add your RSS feed URL.
  3. You can create a new show or assign your episodes to an existing one. If you want to do the second, you will need to have the program ID and write it down in the Comment field.
  4. Once you’ve completed the form, click on “I accept and agree to the Terms & Conditions” and then on “Send Email”.

After a few days, you will receive an email letting you know that your show is now listed on TuneIn.

How to Publish Your Podcast to Podchaser

Have you heard of Podchaser? This platform is a very large podcast database, so publishing yours is a great way to expand your audience and reach new listeners.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. If you don't already have an account on Podchaser, you'll need to sign up. If you have an account, simply log in.
  2. Once logged in, navigate to the "Submit" page on Podchaser. You can find this by clicking on your profile icon and selecting "Submit a Podcast" from the dropdown menu.
  3. In the submission form, you'll be asked to enter your podcast's RSS feed URL.
  4. After entering your RSS feed URL, Podchaser will verify that you own the podcast. This may involve confirming your email address or providing additional verification steps.
  5. Review the details to ensure accuracy, including your podcast title, description, cover art, and episode listings. You'll also have the opportunity to add additional information to your podcast listing, such as genres, tags, language, and links to your website or social media profiles.
  6. After reviewing and confirming all the details, submit your podcast.

Once your podcast is live on Podchaser, it's a good idea to claim it. Claiming your podcast allows you to access additional features and update your podcast information as needed.

How to Publish Your Podcast to iHeartRadio

You might have heard about iHeartRadio. It is a free digital radio service that allows users to listen to live radio stations, create custom stations based on their favorite artists or songs, and access podcasts. It offers a wide range of content, including music, news, sports, and entertainment, catering to various interests and preferences.

Here are the steps you will need to follow to upload your own podcast to the platform:

  1. Sign up for an account on iHeartRadio if you don't already have one.
  2. Go to the "Podcasters" section of the iHeartRadio website.
  3. Fill out the submission form with your podcast details, including RSS feed URL, title, description, and cover art.
  4. Review the submission terms and agree to them.
  5. After submitting your podcast, wait for iHeartRadio to review and approve it. This process may take some time, so be patient.

Once approved, your podcast will be available on iHeartRadio for listeners to discover and enjoy!

How to Publish Your Podcast to Pandora

Pandora is a music streaming and automated music recommendation service. To upload a podcast to Pandora:

  1. Sign up for a Pandora account.
  2. Go to the "Submit Your Podcast" page on Pandora's website.
  3. Fill out the submission form with your podcast details, including RSS feed URL, title, description, and cover art.
  4. Review the submission terms and agree to them.
  5. Wait for Pandora to review and approve it.

Does it Cost Money to Publish a Podcast?

Most podcast directories do not charge a fee to let creators upload their podcasts. In fact, this no-fee model is designed to foster inclusivity and encourage diverse voices.

Having said that, some of the aforementioned platforms do have premium plans as well. In this case, you pay a monthly fee (usually between $10 and $20) to unlock special perks.

platforms like Podbean, Libsyn, and Blubrry offer paid hosting plans with various tiers that provide additional storage space, advanced analytics, and other premium features. These plans are designed to cater to the needs of podcasters who require more extensive resources or want to access enhanced tools to grow their audience and monetize their content.

Using SteamYard to Take Your Podcasting to the Next Level

Recording and sharing your podcast is super-easy when you use StreamYard.

Our platform was designed to work directly from your browser, so you can create studio-quality shows that need little to no editing and distribute them to many platforms, including Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitch.

One of the key advantages of using SteamYard is its ability to streamline the process of publishing your podcast episodes to directories. By connecting your SteamYard account to popular podcast directories such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, you can automatically distribute your episodes to a wider audience without any hassle. This not only saves you time and effort but also ensures that your content reaches more listeners across different platforms.

Additionally, SteamYard offers various tools and functionalities to enhance the quality of your podcasting experience. From customizable branding options to advanced analytics and audience engagement features, SteamYard provides everything you need to create professional-looking live streams and podcast recordings that stand out from the crowd.

StreamYard is free

Podcast Publishing FAQ

How do I publish my podcast episodes?

To publish your podcast episodes, you first need to host your audio files on a podcast hosting platform. Once your episodes are uploaded to your hosting platform, you'll need to create an RSS feed. This feed contains information about your episodes and is what podcast directories use to syndicate your content. After setting up your hosting and RSS feed, submit your podcast to popular directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and others. They'll review your submission, and once approved, your episodes will be available for listeners to discover and enjoy.

How often should I release new episodes?

The frequency of releasing new episodes depends on your content and your audience's preferences. Some podcasts release episodes weekly, while others opt for a bi-weekly or monthly schedule. Consistency is key, so choose a release schedule that you can maintain consistently. This helps keep your audience engaged and establishes expectations for when new content will be available.

How can I promote my podcast and grow my audience?

Promoting your podcast involves a variety of strategies, like using social media to share episode announcements and behind-the-scenes content. You can also do shared projects with other podcasters to promote each other's episodes and reach. Encourage listeners to leave reviews and ratings on podcast directories, as positive reviews can improve your visibility. Additionally, consider guest appearances on other podcasts or attending industry events to expand your reach and attract new listeners.

Can I monetize my podcast?

Yes, there are several ways to monetize your podcast. One common method is through advertising, where you partner with sponsors who pay to promote their products or services during your episodes. Another option is listener support, where your audience can contribute financially through platforms like Patreon or by purchasing merchandise related to your podcast. Additionally, you can explore affiliate marketing, live events, or premium content subscriptions as additional revenue streams.

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